Category Archives: Maths

Probability Posters

Year 6 have been investigating probability. They tried to discover the probability of scoring
different totals using two (or more) dice with the same number of faces and with different numbers of faces. Some people investigated the distribution of scores by experimenting with dice and some tried to calculate the probabilities. We presented our findings and our understanding of probability as posters. Here are some of the imaginative posters that were produced. Some even included interactive elements and 3D features. Well done Year 6!


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Game to practise Roman numerals

This is a game that will test your speed of translating Roman to Arabic numerals. You have to dodge the wrong numbers and hit the correct one by dragging the black square onto the moving red numbers. It starts off reasonably slowly but speeds up pretty quickly!

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Snowboard maths game

Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 10.23.15Here’s another good game. You steer a snowboarder down the slope picking up maths questions as you go. You can choose different topics and speeds. The questions don’t start for a while to give you time to learn the steering. There are 10 questions in each game. You have to hit the snowball with the correct answer and miss the others before the time runs out. Maybe you could set each other challenges by posting in the comments the highest time left to beat on a particular game racing at a particular speed? I’m still working my way up to controlling the snowboarder well enough to manage it at high speed!

There are a wide range of games, e.g. multiplication tables, fractions of numbers, etc… to choose from.

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NRICH Cops and Robbers game

Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 00.07.58Use your reasoning skills and your understanding of coordinates to find the robber in this online maths game, ‘Cops and Robbers’, from NRICH. There are 4 levels of the game to try. The hardest level will be a challenge. It is probably best to start with level 1 or 2 to get used to the game first and develop your skills at narrowing down the guesses. Click on the image of the game to go to the NRICH website and play.

Can you find the robber in less than five guesses? What is a good starting strategy? What is a successful strategy for your next guesses?

Posted in Maths, pupils, Year 6 | Leave a comment

Have fun with quadrilaterals

Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 20.32.03Here is a really good site to help you investigate shape. You can experiment with different quadrilaterals which will help you  to understand and remember their properties. It is also fun to change the angles and sides to see what difference this makes to the shape. There are other pages within this site that also allow you to look at the geometry of polygons other than quadrilaterals (including the graphic we saw some time ago where you can approximate a circle by adding in sides…). This is well worth having a look. Have fun with it!

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Fraction madness!

We’ve been trying out some practical fractions challenges where we had to work out the fractions of different shapes when we had limited information. We investigated the shapes to discover which ones fitted exactly inside other ones. Then we used this information to work out the fraction each of the shapes were as a fraction of the blue square (the largest shape). Only the orange, red and yellow triangles fitted exactly inside the blue square. The other shapes we had to work out by comparing them to the triangles. We eventually discovered that the other shapes were the following fractions of the blue square:
Green square = 1/2                     Orange triangle = 1/4
Red triangle = red square = pink triangle = 1/8
Yellow triangle = 1/32

picture 4Then we set ourselves some more challenges. We had to make some patterns using the different shapes and then work out the fractions of the whole shape each colour represented. The pictures below show some of our challenges. e.g. On this one, there are 10 yellow triangles so we know that yellow is 10/32 = 5/16 of the square. But, the yellow covers some of the red, so we need to work out the red base and then subtract the yellow to find the fraction that is red in the final shape. Then we could finally work out the fraction that is blue… Not as easy as it sounds!

These were tricky for different reasons but some of them are especially tricky because the pattern makes us think we have one fraction for a colour whereas the calculations show something different…. We found out that we always needed to check that the fractions of all the parts added up to make one whole one…

maths fractions

Using the information above, we worked out the fractions of all the colours in this ‘rainbow’ square made by laying other shapes on top of each other on top of the blue square..



fractions picture 3This was another tricky one: We needed to check the information we started with very carefully to solve this one…



Fractions picture 2This one was especially tricky as the layout suggests that there are only three colours in the shape, but we discovered that there were, in fact, four… We ended up finding the fraction of the (almost) hidden colour too…


Posted in Maths, Maths Challenges, News, pupils, Year 6 | Leave a comment

Primary Maths Challenge

Screen Shot 2017-10-12 at 21.49.23In November, there is an opportunity to take part in the primary maths challenge. We’ll be doing this at school. If you fancy having a go, follow the link to be able to download some past challenge papers.

Posted in Maths, Maths Challenges, Year 6 | 2 Comments

Factors and Multiples game

Here is an online version of the factors and multiples game some people had a go at today. We’ll all try the online version soon.

If you want to try it at home, click on the image. The longest chain achieved so far is 74 factors or multiples in a row! Can you beat it?…

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Posted in Maths Challenges, Year 6 | Leave a comment

Arithmagon maths challenges

Here’s another fun challenge which you can set at different levels by changing the options. The idea is to complete the arithmagon using the rule given (e.g. product means finding the result of multiplication). You can choose whether to make the challenge easier by moving to 1-digit numbers, or harder by changing to give yourself a mix of corner and inside numbers. Click on the image to find the website and play the game.

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Posted in Maths, Maths Challenges, pupils, Year 6 | Leave a comment

My ‘MiniMaths’ Maths challenges

This website is set up to give a ‘mini’ maths problem every day. Some of you may like to have a go at the challenges there or search through for topics you could practise if you want a bit of extra help. Click on the picture to find the website. It is free to use. You can tackle arithmetic or reasoning problems and choose your topics easily from the menus.Screen Shot 2017-10-02 at 20.12.42

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