Author Archives: KW
Global climate change
Here are the links to the NASA climate change website with graphics that you can investigate to show what is happening to sea ice, sea-level etc. You might like to share these with your family. It is clear why this is a serious problem that we need to try to understand and find ways to tackle… Your Eco-team ideas are a really good place for us to start.
Maths Race
Here’s another game that our ‘testers’ thought was fun and would make practising multiplication facts (and other maths facts) more fun. Let me know if you find other free games that are good.
Archery maths game
This is the archery multiplication game that some of you asked for. I hope you have fun getting speedy with your tables! Perhaps you could post a comment with your high score for others to beat? (Make sure you only use your nickname.)
Maths ‘space invaders’ game
This game allows you to practise quick maths facts including multiplication facts, decimals and fractions and many more. Can you find the answers and dodge the alien attack?!
Arithmetic practice
This site offers online practice of the kinds of questions that are covered in the arithmetic paper for Year 6. You can choose the number of questions to have a go at and can take it at your own speed. Answers are given straight after you’ve had go at the question so you will know straight away what you need to work on.
Click on the image to go to the site.
Maths Maze Monsters
Here is quite a fun monster chasing game to practise converting decimals and fractions quickly (before you get eaten!) You can play alone against the computer or as a two-player game against a friend. There are five different levels to the game so it can get quite challenging. Let me know how you get on and if you beat the monster! Click on the image to the left to go to the game.